avancée de l'asie par le biais du KM

Publié le par Shen & Roelandt

Article de Rory L. Chase

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Source : http://www.knowledgeboard.com/cgi-bin/item.cgi?id=99458&d=pnd

 Résumé de l’article :


Il date du 17 décembre 2002. Certaines de ces informations seront dépassées, mais l’intérêt de cet article se situe non pas dans les exemples, mais dans le message global qui est transmis.


RORY L .CHASE explique  que la révolution industrielle a subie d’énormes changements. Lorsqu’on regarde de plus près la liiste du Top 10 mondial, on remarque que la palme revient au société qui sont « knowledge and industrial advancement ».


Extrait :

 “According to the 2002 survey, Korea was ranked 27th in the world. Knowledge-intensive industries are becoming extremely important. In terms of market capitalization, the asset allocation in the industrial age and in the age of the knowledge economy has changed tremendously. If in the industrial age, the ratio was 75% for tangible and 25% for intangible assets, now the situation is exactly the opposite.”

De plus, on remarque que la majorité des entreprises sont Asiatiques, mais surtout japonaise, à raison de 5 sur le Top 10 !


 On retrouve sur cet article des exemples de KM dans de grandes sociétés  telles que K revolution (japon) , ou encore  Samsung (Corée).


 Exemple, K revlution (extrait de l’article)

“K” Revolution

by Taro Sengoku
Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd.
In our company, we prefer to call the ‘K strategy’ a “Knowledge initiative,” since knowledge cannot be managed. Knowledge is very important and can only be found in people. The core of our company’s strategy consists of thought leadership, knowledge lancer ship, “Ba” designer ship and trust-based partnership.
As a meeting place for entrepreneurs to exchange their knowledge, Z-EIS or Zen’ in Sekkei which means “designed for everyone,” is a very effective tool of interaction between employees. he virtual Hollywood program is another comprehensive tool for enhancing the company’s performance. It fosters team spirit, trust, consideration, a pioneer spirit and customer satisfaction. Achieving mutual benefits is the goal and knowledge is the means. The company’s initiative dynamic has evolved from the reuse of existing knowledge (1988) to problem solving (1995) and is leading to innovation and creating future benefits by establishing new communities of practice.”



Publié dans japan-kmanagement

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